does the last post in last man/woman posting get a prize when old forum goes down and it truly is the last post?
What do you suggest a suitable prize should be?
What do you suggest a suitable prize should be?
I dunno, give him a unique title or somethin
KING of the dead forum
I tried going to the old forums today and they were down... so who won the last man/woman post?
Still don't know what the prize should be.
You know I will give you some help with your relocation.
Actually I was quite surprised no one else had posted any boobs for ya ;)
Actually I was quite surprised no one else had posted any boobs for ya ;)
I was surprised that you posted "man boobs". @*@ lol
I just lost my lunch... Thanks..
Hahah leave it up to Bio to bring the man boobs back! lol THAT is why Bio always has rocked ;)
Now, there is a slight chance I may be a bit biased here but someone made me lose my lunch.. I fail to see why they would deserve "good karma". How would any of you like to be hunched over a toilet looking at a chunky red mess in the bottom of it while a strand of spaghetti is swinging from inside your nose like a pendulum...... yeah, I thought so..... :salute:
This Topic needs more boobies :)
should be? are they instead going rogue and rampaging around the internet?
I was thinking about trying fallout3. Just wish there was a demo for it.
I'm not familiar with that one.
I love "flying" in that game :)I'm not familiar with that one.
SRIV stands for Saints Row 4. Here is the steam store link.
I'm not familiar with that one.
SRIV stands for Saints Row 4. Here is the steam store link.
I love "flying" in that game :)
That rocks :) I didn't know you were working with them to fix things
That rocks :) I didn't know you were working with them to fix things
Yep. I do that from time to time. If your at all interested, you can see for yourself.
Indeed. Only I am not sure how. But I am open to any suggestions.
Bribes. lol
Bribes. lol
Yeah, maybe. Either that or blackmail might work too. lol
But, this doesn't mean that we can't still play other games together. So I'm thinking we can expand the discussion areas of these forums to include other games of interest. Any suggestions as to what games others would be interested in?
Yeah, I know that feeling. My laptop struggles with HL2, L4D and TF2 so you have to turn all the graphic settings way down. But then again, it's pretty old now.
Toshiba Satellite P205D
AMD Athlon X2 64 1.8ghz dual core
2gb DDR2 ram
ATI Radeon X1250M 512mb
256gb HDD
Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit
My graphics are turned all the way down, still lags between playable and not. It is the one thing I do like about consoles above all else. I know that what I get for it will be playable.... and in theory not have to be upgraded every 2 years.
360 was released Nov 22nd 2005, support will be continued till 2016. Even if you only count till release of next gen that is 8 years.
That could as easy of a fix as just disabling your anti virus and firewall. Funny how they interfear with just about anything. :duh:
Glad to see the site back up. Sorry to hear about the spammers and hackers. :(
Hey at least it wasn't the hack of 2004 eh? ;) Remember the defacing Sand?
Hey at least it wasn't the hack of 2004 eh? ;) Remember the defacing Sand?
How could I forget? They are still trying. ::)
True but now we are on top of things right Sand? ;)
True but now we are on top of things right Sand? ;)
Eh, I'm doing what I can.
I help too right??
ZOMG! IT'S RAPH! :o :o :o :o
guess that makes me the last one actually "posting" something
1 - An exclamation of joy.
2 - A mocking or arrogant exclamation used to taunt a loser one has just beaten.
3 - A catchphrase picked up by stock market commentator Jim Cramer, used either as a general greeting or as a celebration of a good stock pick. "Booyah" seems to be the most prominent word used in Cramer's TV and Radio shows. When used as a greeting, often followed by "ski-dad" or "ski-daddy".
Also the catchphrase of Ron Stoppable - Kimpossible and Cyborg - Teen Titans
cause the forums are dead :duh:
the Michelangelo Booya - BOOYAKASHA!
Back on topic.....
I haz the winz!
While yer all sittin there gigglin, I'm walkin off twith the win.
How did that short lived win feel. :PIt was longer than your previous win :P
:lmao: Nice! You worked hard for that win. :tup:
Did you know.... I just took last person posting away from you? :flagcap:
What kind of bizarre game is this? LOL
So what did you win? I'll tell you what you've won.
lol THAT will NEVER happen :P ... Can you believe they STILL call me (debt collectors) and it has been pver 20 years since College.... No such thing as 7 years and then forgiveness here I guess :P
2 and a half hours??? Sorry, TL, DR.Hahah I didn't even watch the whole thing :P Just the first story I wanted you to see :P
It kind of look's like Pete was the one with the "new skill", Pete Malone.
Going to be a while. I hope you have time? 8)
So making good use of your down time I see? ;D
Well, I still won't be twerking like that girl. lol
Well, you may hurt your back trying to do this. But the 2nd video at least had some good stretching techniques.
That's probably a safe bet. lol
Hey, did you see that chick twerking ;D
I call them Dura Squeal. The more you use them, the louder the squeal gets. lol
So, word to the wise. If your intent to get new brake pads from AutoZone, don't get the "red box". Unless you like the idea of having an audio brake indicator. :^-^:
Hah duly noted!
I realize wow you were not kidding about all the "new members" waiting to be approved! 65?? What happened suddenly! WOW!
I realize wow you were not kidding about all the "new members" waiting to be approved! 65?? What happened suddenly! WOW!
Yeah. I told you. Still don't know exactly why. I suspect because the forum as very little activity.
I just keep rejecting them. ::)
And they keep trying.
No way! That has to be some kind of a sick joke.
Boobs are great!!! Yay ;D ;D ;D
Didn't we used to have a censor feature that would blur if we wanted to by clicking a spoiler button?
Didn't we used to have a censor feature that would blur if we wanted to by clicking a spoiler button?
It took me a moment to find it too. I just assumed it was always like that???
I like the spoiler 5 though. If I can figure out what image the forum is looking for, I'll change it to that.
Also on a side note I double win for finding this:
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Min- - - - - - - - - - - -●Max
I always get a kick out of that "brah" line. lol
I prefer girls in bras, thank you. lol
To be 100% with you. A lot of, if not, most men see woman's breasts as one of the most desirable parts of a woman's body. Every man has a particular taste as to what size they feel is ideal. Fun fact. Not every man likes big boobs. But I on the other hand do. I don't have much experience with wearing a bra. Only just for grins. But I am epithetic to you ladies that wear constraining articles of clothing. And the relentless desire to remove them as soon as humanly possible for relief.
I never said it would be comfortable. But I get the point.
Go ahead and step on my back. Ahhh, that's the spot. :D
Go ahead and step on my back. Ahhh, that's the spot. :D
I did that to you irl before right?
Go ahead and step on my back. Ahhh, that's the spot. :D
I did that to you irl before right?
I believe you did try to.
You said it helped but I was skinnier at that time and perhaps only helped minimally. :P
You said it helped but I was skinnier at that time and perhaps only helped minimally. :P
So true. But it did provide some temporary pain relief. You know that air mattress is hard on the back.
I thought it was just me that noticed that :P I hate air mattresses :P
Ha true but even a tilted bed is better than the sleeping bed I have. Perhaps I just did not blow it up enough. They say most people don't.I thought it was just me that noticed that :P I hate air mattresses :P
It wasn't just you. But using an air mattress is far better than not using one when you're sleeping in the bed of a pickup truck on a camping trip. lol
Keep in mind that we in the US blame Canada for extreme cold snaps. lol