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General Category => Geek / Games Discussion => Topic started by: Sandman[SA] on April 13, 2014, 08:44:07 pm

Title: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on April 13, 2014, 08:44:07 pm
If anyone is interested, I am hosting a 7D2D pub server during the evenings and your welcome to come play with us.  The server name is of course TheSandbox Pub and the pass is available upon request.  And for the time being, we are currently using Skype for voice chat.

The server rules are simple.  Do NOT destroy, damage or modify other peoples pieces of work or works in progress.  We will share whatever resources we already have or you can scavenge whatever you want or need normally.  In case you want to get everything you want and need right away, cheats are enabled so you can get straight to building whatever and wherever you want.

Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on April 15, 2014, 08:34:52 am
I am glad you started this thread. I have been playing this game since soon after it first came out. I bought it when it was still more expensive than it is now and started playing in Alpha 1.1a. Currently the version is Alpha 7.9 and I am liking the changes and improvements even though some changes I don't like as much as others.

What exactly IS 7 Days to Die?


        OS: WindowsXP (Service Pack 3)
        Processor: 2.4 Ghz Dual Core CPU
        Memory: 4 GB RAM
        Graphics: Nvidia 8800 GTX | Radeon HD 4770
        DirectX: Version 10
        Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
        Additional Notes: Install size will gradually increase with future updates.

Even though I just tell people it is a new game that is like a combination of DayZ and Minecraft and a bit of Left4Dead 2 all thrown into one, here is what the Wiki says about the game:

"7 Days to Die is an open world, voxel-based, sandbox game that is a unique mash up of First Person Shooter, Survival Horror, Tower Defense and Role Playing Games combining combat, crafting, looting, mining, exploration, and character growth.

In the near future where the a third world war leaves the Earth in ruins but the worst was yet to come. Nobody knows for sure if it was the radiation, the biochemical weapons or an act of god but an unknown virus soon transforms the surviving humans into an army of the animated dead, acting as a single-minded being.

You play a survivor trapped in the savage zombie infested world of Navezgane County Arizona one of the last true Eden’s on Earth. Ironically Navezgane means “Killer of Monsters” to the Apache who have inhabited the land for centuries, and that’s pretty much what you’ll do as you fight to survive and search for the truth behind what really happened.
" (

There is still a lot in development and it should be noted that since it is Alpha, that future updates could EASILY mean the map and server would have to be reset and we would have to start over. It has already happened once on Sandman's server when he had to update to 7.8.

Even though Sandman has not recorded any footage it is easy to find gameplay of this game by others on Youtube:

Crafting is unique but if you had played Minecraft you might pick up on how the crafting is done a little faster. 7 Days to Die is still unique more so than Minecraft as the crafting area is larger and placement in where you put the item to be crafted makes a difference.

For now Sandman and I have been checking online when we are stuck but for the most part we have been discovering and learning as we go along.

At first cheats were not on but Kat and Sand agreed that since the updates keep happening that it is best to use cheats to create and test and check out the game before everything is reset again.

With version 7.5+ you were able to set a few things when hosting a server such as length of day and night time and if the zombies spawn and how much and if you lose your stuff when you die.  Zombies are off for now only so that we have a chance to build our defenses and then zombies will be turned on to see how well our constructions stand up to the hoard.

IT should be noted that the zombies in 7 Days to Die (7DTD) are not like normal zombies but that there are "special" zombies dependent on the area of the map you are on. For example, in the jail there are zombies that shoot and zombies who spit acid and it destroys buildings. Yeah .. you are not safe staying in any building behind closed doors. They will BEAT DOWN THE WALLS to get to you!!

Most zombies are the same, except for the following zombies that have special features:

*    The Bloated Walker, who is more resistant.
*    (As of Alpha 2) the Spider Zombie who can climb walls.
*    The Zombie Dogs which are faster than the other zombies.
*    And finally the Infected Police Officer who as well as boasting the Bloated Walkers extra health spits damaging acid from a range quickly destroying blocks and damaging the player, when it's health is depleted it charges the player even in the day and explodes usually killing the player, unless killed first.

As of Alpha 7.5 Zombies will attempt to detect player's location at night time using proximity, smell,sight and light. They will try to occupy the space directly above (or below) the players location.

Also zombies are not the only thing that can kill you but also starving, bleeding, getting food poisoning or sick from drinking bad water (don't drink the toilet water .. boil it first!!) as well as I guess you can now (or in a future update) get infected and need to take medications. I am not sure what happens .. if you turn into a zombie or die or what... if you don't have any medication on hand.

Here are some pictures from in-game play from Sandman's server:

Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on April 15, 2014, 08:49:45 am
Since the map reset Kat and Sandman have made a fortress and I have made a house. Pictures attached

Also a pic from when Sandman was gathering resources. There are more but with the limit of 5 images per post I only picked these. There are others where Sand and I were mining in a factory and taking the resources for his fortress (no cheats at this time) as well as another pic where the roof fell in with me on it because the supports in the house were not strong enough and it now matters as of 7.8

In the future I or Sandman or Kat will post pics of when the zombies swarm us.  There are also Zombie Hornets and Zombie dogs..

Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on April 15, 2014, 08:17:43 pm
Kat and my fortress have come a long way since those pics as we are now ready to work on perimeter defenses and a form of safe passage between the fortress and KT's house.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on April 16, 2014, 06:20:22 am
some more images.

BioHazard and Sandman had a little fun :P
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on April 16, 2014, 08:19:48 pm
That was kind of fun.  I must have put almost 60 sticks of TNT in that house.  And Bio put at least 30 gas pumps in the basement.  That house is just a shell now, hehe.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on April 17, 2014, 08:46:21 am
That was kind of fun.  I must have put almost 60 sticks of TNT in that house.  And Bio put at least 30 gas pumps in the basement.  That house is just a shell now, hehe.

We really should record some ingame fun Sand. It would rock.

Oh also about my connection issues, does anyone else have this happen to them as well or is it just me? I need to know:
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Attitude on April 17, 2014, 01:03:29 pm
Sand we have to get that trench done I think then we are done completely. I wanted to see if I can do a small green house and see how it works out, because I know I will have to find a way to keep it up and stuff. There is only one reason I am wanting to do that is because  on my server the damn zombies will take down my crops and I don' t want that to happen on yours too sand.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on April 17, 2014, 01:29:49 pm
Sand we have to get that trench done I think then we are done completely. I wanted to see if I can do a small green house and see how it works out, because I know I will have to find a way to keep it up and stuff. There is only one reason I am wanting to do that is because  on my server the damn zombies will take down my crops and I don' t want that to happen on yours too sand.

that would only happen if they get in your walls or spawn in the garden. As far as I know the garden must be open to the sunlight. Not sure if glass could be over top or what though. Probably says on the wiki.

Also I am wondering if anyone has a capture card. I think it would rock to record some of the fun in the game.

BioHazard and Sandman really were enjoying explosions the last time I was on. Kinda reminds me of this guy Franky who I started watching when he was playing DayZ (just the part with the explosion is 7 Days to Die and relavent to this thread.. the rest has nothing to do with it and is DayZ):
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on April 17, 2014, 09:18:51 pm
You know Ang, when we all played together and was at the junkyard, the plants were growing during the night hours just by the light of torches.  And I agree Kat.  We will need a first line of defense.  The trench idea for sure but it may take some trial and error to see what is the best way to use it.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Attitude on April 18, 2014, 12:29:00 pm
you know what I should try is the trussing
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on April 21, 2014, 01:31:30 am
Check out Biohazards levitating fortress trick.  No matter what we did to this structure, we couldn't collapse it.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on April 28, 2014, 09:16:10 pm
Okay, so lately KT and I decided to experiment with building our own houses.

The first one is KT's.  The second one is mine.

Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on April 30, 2014, 06:12:23 pm
I love how you do roofs Sand :)
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on May 08, 2014, 09:23:43 pm
I just noticed a crafting conflict in alpha 8.1 between barnwood and redwoodplank.  They have the same recipe.  Here is how to fix.

Go to Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config and edit the recipes.xml with metapad or something similar.  Find the section for barnwood.  It should look something like this.

Code: [Select]
    <recipe name="barnWood" count="8" scrapable="False" craft_time="5" >
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="-1, -1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="0, -1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="1, -1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="-1, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="plantChrysanthemum" count="1" grid="0, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="1, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="-1, 1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="0, 1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="1, 1"/>

Change it to this.

Code: [Select]
    <recipe name="barnWood" count="4" scrapable="False" craft_time="5" >
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="0, -1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="-1, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="plantChrysanthemum" count="1" grid="0, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="1, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="0, 1"/>

If your already in game while making this change, you will have to exit the game and relaunch it for the change to take effect.

I have attached my fixed recipes.xml incase you can't do it yourself.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on May 11, 2014, 12:14:38 am
Since I was at it, I made a few items craftable that were not before.  Examples: Auger and Chainsaw.  Yup, you can in fact make them now.  I even made a good use for the white flower.  You can use it in place of corn meal to make grain alcohol.  Here are a list of other changes I have made.

Lowered cook times on grain alcohol and antibiotics from 300 to 30. 
Lowered cook times on bottled water from 20 to 10.
Lowered cook times on golden rod tea from 30 to 15. 
Increased create gas can from grain alcohol from 1 to 6.
Moonshine has been removed from the game completely so no more moonshine.  Sorry. 

Please feel free to post some suggestions.

Anyway, here in this attachment are the recipes and the recipe.xml.  Which I might add, has the barnwood fix as well which still plagues 8.2.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 12, 2014, 02:13:33 am
Wait .. you can CREATE your OWN recipes now??
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 12, 2014, 02:19:56 am
I just noticed a crafting conflict in alpha 8.1 between barnwood and redwoodplank.  They have the same recipe.  Here is how to fix.

Go to Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config and edit the recipes.xml with metapad or something similar.  Find the section for barnwood.  It should look something like this.

Code: [Select]
    <recipe name="barnWood" count="8" scrapable="False" craft_time="5" >
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="-1, -1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="0, -1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="1, -1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="-1, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="plantChrysanthemum" count="1" grid="0, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="1, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="-1, 1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="0, 1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="1, 1"/>

Change it to this.

Code: [Select]
    <recipe name="barnWood" count="4" scrapable="False" craft_time="5" >
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="0, -1"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="-1, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="plantChrysanthemum" count="1" grid="0, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="1, 0"/>
        <ingredient name="woodPlank" count="1" grid="0, 1"/>

If your already in game while making this change, you will have to exit the game and relaunch it for the change to take effect.

I have attached my fixed recipes.xml incase you can't do it yourself.

Ha much like how in a previous update the wooden pole and the wooden pillar were the exact same recipe until they fixed it 2 updates later? Wonder how long it will take them to fix this one. But I had no idea you could change the recipe yourself. This must be because it is still in Alpha and in development mode that you are able to do this.  Most likely this is not intended to be for normal game use.

P.S. That moonshine recipe makes sense and finally gives a use for the white flowers like how the yellow flowers make tea.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on May 12, 2014, 08:47:40 pm
Well, I don't see them changing the method that they use to manage basic recipes.  At least, not anytime soon anyway.  They did change the recipe method for making ammo and some weapons though.  You have to collect the appropriate books in order to access those recipes now and that's hard coded.  But the basic stuff is simple scripts that I can easily understand.  The only tricky part is learning the grid pattern.

But as far as the recipes that I had created, I couldn't think of anything else that could or should be used to craft those items.  Resources are limited so I picked items that are commonly found just to make it easier.  But check this out.  There is a recipe in there to make cans of gas using 11 grain alcohol.  You can make alcohol by cooking corn meal and water in a beaker.  It's not a good idea to drink that stuff though because it rob you of health even more then eating uncooked meat.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on May 22, 2014, 11:49:44 pm
Well, it looks like they finally removed moonshine from the game so my recipe for it is not going to work in patch 8.2.  But no worries, I will re-do it to remove that and possibly tweek the recipes for augers and chainsaws.

Check this post for my updated recipes. (
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 24, 2014, 04:00:47 pm
So you still are able to create the recipes?
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on May 24, 2014, 05:00:32 pm
Yup. sure can.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on May 25, 2014, 10:52:22 pm
Well, I spent a lot of time building a new house in 8.2.  But since they botched the coop system, I can't show anyone ingame so I will post shots here.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on May 25, 2014, 10:58:04 pm
And here are some more.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on May 25, 2014, 10:59:26 pm
Here are the rest of them.  Damn file size limitations!  :duh:
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 28, 2014, 03:12:44 am
Glad you shared them. You are getting more creative the more times you have to rebuild a house with every update lol. We will have to see if they fixed the issue yet since you said a lot of people had posted saying they were having the same issue as us.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on May 28, 2014, 09:51:42 pm
I was still getting that console error "unable to connect" but I had someone join me last night so maybe it's been addressed by now?  Who knows.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on June 04, 2014, 08:20:51 pm
just testing android os.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on December 31, 2014, 11:41:35 am
It was fun playing with you last time but I still wish we could do try Godmode. :( oh well. Looks like it is only "flying" (which is really just noclip).

I found it interesting the changes with the map and the addition of the compass and the removal of the mini map.

Found a video from 7DTD version Alpha 10:

I was surprised however when we put no zombies and the zombies still spawned once the area we were staying in became "hot" (as described in this video).

Here is the next part where I learned you can use a torch as a weapon now. Did you know that Sand?
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on December 31, 2014, 02:56:04 pm
Well, I have used a torch as a weapon before because they use to not take any damage so you could use it as one forever.  But last I checked, torches take damage now so.....
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on January 20, 2015, 09:59:35 am
Ah ok. So when are we going to play again? I guess there has been a LOT of changes including how the characters look.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on January 20, 2015, 08:32:06 pm
Ah ok. So when are we going to play again? I guess there has been a LOT of changes including how the characters look.

I have been waiting on you because I don't really care to play this game alone any more.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on January 27, 2015, 12:38:18 pm
Ah ok. So when are we going to play again? I guess there has been a LOT of changes including how the characters look.

I have been waiting on you because I don't really care to play this game alone any more.

Did u check your skype? Now that today is too snowy for you to go to work we can play today! That is great because my sleep has been so all over the place since my iron is so very low (still not IV iron .. there is a back log of people needing IV amounts of Iron right now I guess .. I thought it was because of the switch in hospitals).  Just give me a call on my home phone when you want to play okay?

Can't wait! That or we can just play Left 4 Dead as I have fun in taht with you as well! :) Who else can we get to join in that one?
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Rabid Zucchini on January 31, 2015, 05:23:59 pm
Probably not many who could play at noon on a Tuesday.   :D
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on January 31, 2015, 08:46:14 pm
Probably not many who could play at noon on a Tuesday.   :D

Certainly not me.  Not unless I had the day off from work.  lol
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Rabid Zucchini on February 02, 2015, 09:27:23 am
On a side note (or maybe moving this back on topic, take your pick) there certainly seem to be a lot of these survival-type games out at the moment.
I wonder if this will make everyone an expert on wilderness survival, like CoD made everyone an expert marksman. ;D
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on February 14, 2015, 06:49:20 pm
Sand and I did get to play 7DTD together but for some reason I was having issues. We think I need more memory .. of which I cannot afford at the moment. I only have 4 gb.

I really love to play but it sucks to not be able to ..

Also in a side note I found a video on Youtube (older version of the game since it was a video from last year) where these guys play together but lol I laughed how they actually have a "board room" and were planning out how to defend themselves in game:
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on June 01, 2015, 06:20:30 pm
I wonder if I would still have issues now ... I DO want to try again. Call me when you get home from work Sand? Anyone else wanna play?

I think last we played they were at 7.+ but now they are at 11.+ :) Still Alpha but new stuff.

I attached some screenshots from both old (7.11) and new (10.2 .. no 11.+ yet) versions as looking at them made me want to play it again. :)

Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on June 02, 2015, 08:57:16 pm
Thank you for playing with me last night Sand! It made my day! I love playing that one but alone is just not as much fun. I am glad it is so much stabler now (now they need to just work on the models and the customization more haha as well as more search options for searching for public servers).

After you went to bed I was going to but then I ended up getting out of bed curious about if you can go back and customize your character you use in game (since you still had yours from when they didn't add hair yet).  Version 11.5 (b10) already! WOW!

Also the screenshots are at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die on my computer so it should be the same on yours unless you specified something other than default. :P

Here are the pics I took last night:

Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on June 02, 2015, 09:12:32 pm
I reached the attachment limit so making a 2nd post ;)

When I loaded in with that one I made of you it showed up as (see attachment) and then once I turned  persistent profiles off  then restarted the game and tried again it finally worked properly and showed mustache options. I didn't for me with persistant profiles on even though I chose MALE lol.

I wish the eyebrows were adjustable but for now they are part of the forehead options .. no angles .. I don't have eyebrows like the girls automatically have lol.  I also wish they had more hair styles. I mean .. no middle part for men? I know you never part your hair on the side! lol :P
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on June 02, 2015, 09:48:39 pm
Yeah.  Back in v10.4, it was still glitchy so I was never able to finish the profile setup.  But last night, I tried again and was able to finish it.  So, next time we play, you'll see it.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on June 05, 2015, 06:20:34 pm
Yeah.  Back in v10.4, it was still glitchy so I was never able to finish the profile setup.  But last night, I tried again and was able to finish it.  So, next time we play, you'll see it.

YAY!!!  :tup: So happy! I gotta gotta get ready to go to First Friday but perhaps Sunday night? We will have to see when we can play next. :)

Wow some of these pics remind me of Minecraft except much harder to do in Minecraft!

Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on January 25, 2021, 03:50:22 am
Wow so much has changed! I enjoyed jumping into game with you Sand and your friend! It sure has changed! I was impressed.

Even though this wasn't from your game play I could imagine you doing this with how you make your base.

Can't believe the vehicles now!

Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on January 25, 2021, 08:47:16 pm
Yeah, general gameplay styles have changed quite a bit as there are so many new tactics to survive horde night.  Some people still try to build and maintain a horde ready base but discover that it's just so expensive on resources and time.  When you start reaching the higher levels, it's better to go find an expendable POI that can give you decent cover and a way out if it gets to rough.  It was great to see you play again last night.  Hope you got to enjoy some of the new mods?
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on January 27, 2021, 05:39:22 pm
Yeah, general gameplay styles have changed quite a bit as there are so many new tactics to survive horde night.  Some people still try to build and maintain a horde ready base but discover that it's just so expensive on resources and time.  When you start reaching the higher levels, it's better to go find an expendable POI that can give you decent cover and a way out if it gets to rough.  It was great to see you play again last night.  Hope you got to enjoy some of the new mods?

Yeah especially the extra storage space :)
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on January 27, 2021, 08:57:15 pm
Did you see the new hud?  I admit, it's a bit busy but it's much better then the new default one.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on January 29, 2021, 12:43:31 am
Did you see the new hud?  I admit, it's a bit busy but it's much better then the new default one.

I installed the mods before I played remember? I thought that WAS the default Jeff lol
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on January 29, 2021, 01:15:55 am
I installed the mods before I played remember? I thought that WAS the default Jeff lol

Ahh, you only installed 3 of 28 mods that I am running.  Those 3 have new models that are not normally in the game and can not be transferred via fast download protocols.  The other 25 can be hosted server side and the users don't have to download any additional content because they are simply just changes in the code.

But by default, the hud just shows stamina and health on the bottom, left corner.  Where the food and water bars line the top and bottom of the tool belt and are kind of difficult to see.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on February 02, 2021, 04:36:38 am
I installed the mods before I played remember? I thought that WAS the default Jeff lol

Ahh, you only installed 3 of 28 mods that I am running.  Those 3 have new models that are not normally in the game and can not be transferred via fast download protocols.  The other 25 can be hosted server side and the users don't have to download any additional content because they are simply just changes in the code.

But by default, the hud just shows stamina and health on the bottom, left corner.  Where the food and water bars line the top and bottom of the tool belt and are kind of difficult to see.

I installed what you gave me. I thought it was all .. not just 3 :P
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on February 04, 2021, 11:27:14 pm
I installed what you gave me. I thought it was all .. not just 3 :P

I only gave you those 3 because they have new models that the server can't upload.  I hope they will change that someday.

If you want the full array of mods that I am currently running, download ( this file.  Some of these have been altered by me.  These mods work for 7 Days 2 Die version 19.3(b6)
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on February 10, 2021, 07:44:10 am
I installed what you gave me. I thought it was all .. not just 3 :P

I only gave you those 3 because they have new models that the server can't upload.  I hope they will change that someday.

If you want the full array of mods that I am currently running, download ( this file.  Some of these have been altered by me.  These mods work for 7 Days 2 Die version 19.3(b6)

Okay downloading now
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on February 10, 2021, 08:31:29 pm
The new vehicles mod gives you lots of new toys to get you around.  Including some air planes and some choppers.  Flying thou is much easier to do when using a game pad.  :tup:
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on February 11, 2021, 07:24:59 pm
7 Days is now on Sale for 66% Off!
Steam Lunar Sale Feb 11th-15th

7 Days is now on sale for 66% off on the Steam Lunar Sale Feb 11th-15th

Buy it Now! (
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on February 18, 2021, 03:48:56 am
Fighting Zombies .. these guys have some ideas:
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on February 18, 2021, 02:27:56 pm
Maybe not great ideas.  But yeah, ideas.  lol
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on February 20, 2021, 05:53:42 am
Maybe not great ideas.  But yeah, ideas.  lol

It was funny as heck watching their plans fall apart though :P
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on February 25, 2021, 10:09:13 pm
Nothing ever goes as planned.  lol
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on June 26, 2024, 03:54:01 am
7 Days to Die CDN$ 27.99 ( ($24.99 in USD)

V1.0 Public Experimental
V1.0 is now available for the public to opt in

Hello Survivors!
Today TFP is making V1.0 EXP available to everyone who wants to participate.
Around 12pm CST we are removing the password protection from the "latest_experimental" branch.

TFP wishes everyone many, many future memories of playing 1.0!

How to participate:

Should you participate, we invite you to report bugs ( also.

For the full release notes, please go visit our website (

Here is what changed from the original b306 that was launched for Streamer Weekend (June 24th 2024) (

Neebs Gaming tried it:

Other YouTubers: (WaywardEko) (IzPrebuilt) (PartiallyRoyal) (Kage848) (GunsNerdsandSteel) (JaWoodle) (JaWoodle) (Spartan85)

Dev Highlights:
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on June 27, 2024, 12:33:05 am
I'm actually waiting for 1.0 to go public stable.  The Fun Pimps are usually pretty good at running the experimental versions to squash most of the bugs before it goes live.  And they ALWAYS change something in the public release.  So yeah....
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 01, 2024, 11:14:13 pm
I'm actually waiting for 1.0 to go public stable.  The Fun Pimps are usually pretty good at running the experimental versions to squash most of the bugs before it goes live.  And they ALWAYS change something in the public release.  So yeah....

Looks like it will have to be playing on new map from the looks of it but looking forward to character creation being nicer even though not sure of the less armor.
Title: Re: 7 days to die
Post by: Sandman[SA] on July 02, 2024, 12:57:52 am
Looks like it will have to be playing on new map from the looks of it but looking forward to character creation being nicer even though not sure of the less armor.

Oh, absolutely will have to create a new map as I am sure that they have changed a great many things.  And I will most likely have to recompile my list of custom POI's again.  But I am also concerned about the new armor options.  We will just have to wait and see, I guess.